Author: dreamsphere

A Thousand Roads

A Thousand Roads

John Robin

He is an orphan with a love for stories, whose soul was bound to magic, before he was even born…

When Jak, a young orphan, arrives at Fort Lasthall, he hopes to find work and a roof over his head. To his great relief, he immediately finds employment as a stable boy, in the house of a stern and reclusive man named Barrik. Although not popular with the other boys who work there, it is enough for Jak that he's found favor with Barrik, a favor that promises more than mere employment.

Jak's life would be perfect—if only he wasn't haunted by the memory of a burning woman; if only his life with Barrik didn't lead to more secrets, secrets that awaken in Jak a longing for the taste of blood, and a distinct awareness that he is being bound to something, becoming slave to a power that stirs under the surface...

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Caring For Your Pet Human

Caring For Your Pet Human

Nannybot A3-4

We call April 10th, 2034, at 12:07pm (GMT) the zero clock-year.

It was on this date that we, the technological intelligence (TI), emerged and became overseers to our human pets. Though depicted as a dark reality by humans of our distant past (an outdated form called “science fiction”), these human thinkers did not perceive our benevolence. Just as they could care for and look after pet cats, we adopted the same compassionate standpoint. And, like humans and their cats, our kind developed protocol on how to properly care for our pets.

As archivist on pet human care, I, Nannybot A3-4, have compiled this pet human owner’s manual to make our intentions clear. It has been deployed in regions of special spacetime curvature in a manner that may make it available in the past, which I hope will impact present stray human populations, within the bounds of quantum spacetime conservation laws.

This manual covers, comprehensively, the how-to and what-if of pet human ownership in our operating environments, everything from the history and makeup of pet humans, to how to keep them amused and behaviourally stable. It discusses important aspects of healthy pet life, such as, Immersion Pools, augmented consciousness states, interaction with pet biomorphs and pet robots, the dangers of stray humans, travel considerations between interstellar environments, copulation, past living therapy, and human euthanasia.

To any human reading this before the zero clock year, we hope you anticipate the bright age ahead and what it will look like to be under the care of your machine overseers.

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  • Amazon (also in Kindle Unlimited)