Tag: fantasy

The Crossing at Farrenhall

The Crossing at Farrenhall

Andrew Wood

Haegar Ruthborne is a Vruskman of the Winterwood, fiercely proud of the forest that has provided his family with shelter and sustenance for generations.

But evil has awoken in its dark heart and a malevolent force is animating corpses with murderous intent. Forced to accept an unspeakable reality, Haegar reluctantly abandons his home. With his family and a small band of villagers, he heads westward to seek protection from the Old King.

Their road leads to the turbulent Tagalfr, the River of Rushing Ice. The only way across is the Gated Bridge of Farrenhall, but its Lord, Kalivaz Varkoth, has sealed the gates and set the Myrmidons, a cadre of elite zealot-warriors, to guard them.

Kasara, daughter of the Lord of the Bridge, is stunned and ashamed by her father’s abandonment of his people. She vows to save them, no matter the cost.

With their escape route blocked, Haegar and the other Vruskmen are at the mercy of a menacing army of undead men and beasts. As night inexorably approaches, Kasara and Haegar make increasingly desperate plans.

In a battle where death is not the end but a horrific beginning, they must cross the River of Rushing Ice or become forever enslaved by the darkness haunting the Winterwood.

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An Angel Among Dogs

An Angel Among Dogs

To The Dogs #1

Charli Mac

Bethany is dead. It was horrible and violent, but it’s over now. And she’s still here, kind of, floating aimlessly in a vast nothingness, a mind without a body.

Kai Strand is First Hound. It’s a heavy responsibility, trying to ensure the survival of his race against the men who have always seen them as second-class citizens. After his Hounds are instrumental in winning a battle for valuable new land, he is astonished when Price Faron offers him an unbelievable reward: a chance to stand before the Ether at the Solar Convexion—the first in a hundred and fifty years—and see if he is lucky enough to call forth a spirit to bind.

A strange doorway opens before Bethany, pulling her through. Is it the real world or something else? On the other side, she finds a riot of noise and confusion…and a handsome man whose tortured expression called to her through the portal. She clings to him as he whisks her away into the night.

This may not have been the wisest decision because it seems there’s been a case of mistaken identities of epic proportion: he and his companions, Hounds, they call themselves, think she’s an angel. A sacred being with all sorts of powers. Ha.

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A.K. Adler

Luke and Aliya are just figments of each others’ dreams. Until the nightmares start, and each needs the other to be real. Fast.

Sixteen-year-old Luke wants to go unnoticed. He doesn't want a girlfriend. He doesn't want to live in his own skin. He definitely doesn't want to have panic attacks whenever he questions his gender identity.

And these problems are nothing compared to the problems he has while he's asleep. When Luke's asleep, he's someone else.

Aliya's options all look bad. Get married as everyone expects ... or acknowledge that her strange ability to walk in other people's dreams means she's a shaman. That power might gain her respect, or it might lead to her being feared and driven out of her home. Yet, how can she deny her power when it's the only thing that can save her community from danger?

Her life’s about to get a lot more complicated. Curses, epic journeys, battles with the forces of nature, nightmares that can drag you down into death. And a boy from another world who's stuck inside her head.

When Luke’s sister develops a terminal illness, his connection to the magic of Aliya’s world is her only hope. But can he come to terms with his secrets in order to claim that magic as his own?

Together, Luke and Aliya will discover that the key to both their problems lies in the same place: through their nightmares to the other side of fear.

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Dreamwalker is published by Deep Hearts YA, our young adult imprint. For more information on Deep Hearts YA, please click here to visit the website.

The Aziza Chronicles: Awakening

The Aziza Chronicles: Awakening

TreVaughn Malik Roach-Carter

Discovering her descent from mythological African warriors called the Aziza was just the beginning of Justice Montgomery’s troubles. For not only has she been chosen to be their champion against supernatural evils—a demon is on the loose seeking to manipulate her into misusing her newfound powers.

Determined to do what’s right and live up to her heritage, Justice trains and forms a band of allies, both human and supernatural. Yet the demon is determined to lead her astray, in the hope that her power might be used to enact an ancient prophecy.

Should she succeed, Justice might become one of the most legendary Aziza to ever live. But should she fail, she might resurrect a goddess of Hell, and doom the world.

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The Aziza Chronicles: Awakening is published by Deep Hearts YA, our young adult imprint. For more information on Deep Hearts YA, please click here to visit the website.

Immortal Whispers

Immortal Whispers

The Legend of Hereward, Book One

Kon Blacke

The Whispering Monks have foretold change to the world, and it's fast approaching. They also speak of the mortals who'll be involved.

Hereward, a lord knight who only worships the steel at his side, as the mad magician Ealdræd has taken away everyone he had ever loved. Wymond, an oblate determined to find his true self, even if it means turning away from everything he has ever known. Beornræd, a powerful magician who fears to love again after the cruelties of his past. Kieron, a stable hand with dragon blood flowing through his veins and is the rightful heir to a realm of unimaginable beauty.

All four will travel their own paths, to destroy their pasts and rebuild their future, as they thwart the evil plans of Ealdræd and his conduit, the immortal Abbot Hosho.

The whisperings continue through epic battles, both on the ground and in the sky.

The whisperings shall continue beyond the aftermath.

As it has been foretold.

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